
Liquid Subsea Technologies is an innovative company that provides subsea robotics solutions for windfarms and ships worldwide. Out team has more than 20 years expierience in ROV (Remote operated vehicles) subsea industry. We specialize in developing and manufacturing robotic systems, tools and components for windfarm and ship inspections. Cost cutting, high quality and safe inspection solutions in preventetive maintenance is our key focus. Subsea inspections Cost cutting solutions that do not require ROV Support Vessel costs and with LOW mobilisation costs GVI and Dvi General visual inspections and detailed visual inspection with certified CSWIP 3.4U inspector Ultrasonic thickness measurments Utilising UT probes capaple to penetrate up to 150mm steel Cathodic protection Precise Cathodic Protection measurments and anode inspections. ACFM weld inspection Alternate Current Field Measurments with certified ACFM Level 2 3.4U Inspector Our Services Subsea Inspection Our environment friendly electrical robots have advanced sensors and cameras to inspect underwater structures with precision. ROV DESIGNING Designing ROV’s and tools for subsea industry is our our passion and major focus mANUFACTURING Our robots are equipped with sensors to collect data on the impact of subsea activities on the environment. Data Collection We offer efficient and accurate data collection services for various subsea projects and industries. EXPERIENCE Global Reach INNOVATION